Teen Life Coaching Certification Program™
Our Teen Life Coaching Training Program™ will prepare you for a career in life coaching pre-teens and teenagers. You will learn the skills and tools necessary to help teens reach their full potential.
Taught by the #1 Teen Life Coach in the U.S.

Dr. RJ Jackson
Master Instructor
Certified Life Coach. Board-Certified Orthodontist. #1 Best-Selling Author. Philanthropist
Creator and Host of A Teen’s Perspective Podcast.
Before I tell you why I became a life coach for teenagers, I need to first tell you why I became an orthodontist.
You heard me right. I am an orthodontist 😁
When I was in high school, my guidance counselor asked me to pick a career. “What do you want to do for the rest of your life?” she asked.
I replied with the most common phrase used by all teenagers, “I don’t know.”
So she asked me a different question. “If you could make a difference in the world, what difference would you make.”
I thought about that question for a while. I knew she would not allow me to use that common phrase again.
I replied,“I want people to be happy. I would spread happiness.”
“Great! You have two options. You can be a comedian or you can be an orthodontist.”
(Life coaching wasn’t a career back then.)
My decision was easy at that point. I was not funny so I chose to be an orthodontist.
I thought to myself, “Smiles are the logo for happiness so why not be the guy who creates them.”
I never strayed from that path and in May of 2012, it was official. I was an orthodontist.
I enjoy creating smiles!
And I felt that I was following my life’s mission to spread happiness until May of 2016, something happened!
If you have never had braces then you probably do not know the celebration that occurs when braces come off. It is a happy occasion.
The patient is happy and sometimes crying tears of joy. The parents are happy. My team is happy and I am happy. This was the image that was in my mind that day in the counselor’s office when I decided that I was going to be an orthodontist.
But something happened. A few days later, I received a phone call from that parent telling me that her daughter was unhappy.
She knew I mentored teenagers so she asked if I could help.
“I would be happy to talk with her but it sounds like she needs a therapist.”
I had only mentored teenagers at that time. I wasn’t trained to handle a teenager who was struggling with depression.
But that wasn’t all, the next week the same thing happened again. This time with a different parent. And again I referred them to a therapist.
But that wasn’t it because the same thing happened a third time.
At that moment, I knew orthodontics, alone, was not going to be enough to fulfill my life’s purpose of spreading happiness among teenagers.
You see, if something happens once, then it is random.
If something happens twice, then it is a coincidence.
If something happens three times, then I need to pay attention.
So the moment after I spoke with the third parent, I immediately started to research how I could help these teenagers.
I was prepared to pursue a degree in therapy until all three parents told me that therapy was not helping their child.
So I went back to the drawing board.
And that is when I discovered life coaching.
Today, I am happy to continue to spread happiness by creating smiles on the outside (as an orthodontist) and on the inside (as a teen life coach).
I originally joined Dr. RJ’s life coaching training because I wanted to quit my job and start a career where I can impact lives while making a good income. I did quit my job and I make an amazing income but what I am proud of the most, is the change that I made personally. Dr. RJ’s program not only prepares you to coach teenagers, it also challenges you to pursue your own personal transformation.
– Mitch Williams, LSA Certified Teen Life Coach
Who is this program for?
Pastors and Youth leaders
Superintedents and Principles
- Anyone who wants to make a difference in the lives of teenagers
Recent Success Story
Dr. RJ is an amazing teacher. At first, I was intimidated watching Dr. RJ effortlessly change a teenager’s motivation in one session. I thought to myself, ” How is he doing that?” After week 4 in his program, I started to coach more confidently. His program is by far the best because it teaches you how to coach teenagers.
If you want to help tweens or teens, definitely join Dr. RJ’s training program.
-Rudy Freeman, LSA Certified Teen Life Coach
What’s Included in this Program?
This program is the ONLY life coaching certification program that focuses 100% on teenagers.
This program is the ONLY life coaching certification program delivered in a private 1:1 setting. This ensures that each student learns all the coaching techniques without falling behind.
This program is the ONLY life coaching certification program that provides students with teenagers to coach while learning. Other programs force students to practice on each other, which offers no real-world experience.